Friday, November 30, 2007

The Twenty Third Thing

Well I think I have completed the web 2.0 programme. It has been truly entertaining and engrossing. I am delighted so many colleagues got into it.
Key learning outcomes for me? Confirmation that I am an I.T. plodder. I work at it. I get there. I am not a natural. Although I have an open, critical mind and can see applications and potential in the technology I struggle with.

Some of the downside revolves around artificial limitations to the potential of this technology. Imposed firewalls, regulation based on suspected messing about - that sort of thing. Plus the reasonable caution required for security reasons.

Also, the endless signing up with all the associated passwords and etc, plus the inherent spam and etc risks that come with this.

Wikis in particular are the going thing, and all the bits and bobs around web 2.0 are the stuff that makes a good wiki. I am looking forward to getting stuck into developing training wikis.

Regards and thanks, Lovegod


proud womon said...

Cheers (tried to get a glass of wine in here but it didn't work) and conrats on finishing... have to agree with everything you've said... but has been a fun journey... and we never got to see those windows!!!! come on, you've gotta put them up now...

The Learning 2.0 Program said...

Congratulations on finishing! I agree with you comments and by the time we finish here, I think I will be glad never to see an email address again! Wikis are the way and if you are interested I am building a training one for work at the moment
It's a work in progress but has great potential!

lovegod said...

Thank you Proud Woman. Why do I keep calling you Wise Woman? OK - windows as soon as I sort my clagged PC out.

Thanks Leslie. Have bookmarked your training blog.

Regards, Mike

proud womon said...

because 'wizewomon' is my URL... and did find an "adopt-a-possum" site...
... looking forward to those pics!!!

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